The Impact of Foreign Energy - and how easy it can be to clean up!
I’ve witnessed this phenomenon for many years. From a bird's eye view, part of the purpose of animals participating or allowing this to occur is to show us as humans how to better manage our own energy. Define yourself, human - know who and what you are, and who and what you are not. If we could learn to identify what is affecting us and where it is sourced when we feel uncomfortable, out of sorts…all the way to negative emotions of grief, guilt, anger; we could spend more time enjoying life and less time trying to sort the sticky stuff out. Isn’t that what animals want? Let’s have some fun! They want us to join them there, but if we can’t, they’ll come over and join us in the stickiness. And then they want to make quick work of it…and then…they help us with whatever we’re in. Many times that results in the stickiness transferring from the human to the animal. And it’s not their energy, so it’s foreign, and then we have a foreign energy situation, large or small.
I’ve long wanted to create a free short class on Foreign Energy available to all, and an email from a client, Sara, who participated in a recent class with her dog Ella as a practice animal arrived that I could not ignore. It is an excellent example of what removing foreign energy can do. So this blogpost is my quick patch until I can expand it into a class.
What I’ve learned over the years is that FE is always tied to humans, and usually there is at least a parallel with one or all of the animal’s primary humans. Dogs are much more susceptible due to their openness to sharing human emotions and behavior patterns, but cats can be affected as well. Some of the most intense cases I have seen have been cats that had been inadvertently, etherically or physically involved in negative reality creations or what some call ‘black magic’. Felines are more aligned with their own sovereignty which can keep them out of these situations, but on the flip side, they can therefore travel astrally more easily, and get into trouble that way too.
The foreign energy being connected to the primary human(s), is usually through some way in which the human is not grounded or absent from their own core periodically or chronically… think boundary issues, codependence, stuck in processing trauma, not fully sovereign or confidently in charge of our own energy. In the case I’m presenting below, notice what Sara gives us as background information: “I've been on a spiritual path for 15+ years, but have been through great growth in the last 18 months especially. A number of months ago, I had very repetitive negative thoughts, pretty nasty thoughts actually. These were not my typical thoughts and I felt quite tormented by them. After a few days, I shouted 'Stop. Leave me. I am of Source. You are not welcome here' (or something similar), because I felt the thoughts were being pushed on me by 'something else'. The thoughts immediately stopped - in fact I was quite shocked at the peace I suddenly felt.”
This is very common - in a growth spurt, as Sara was experiencing; layers of negative, disruptive energy emerged as thoughts that she knew were not hers. Were they always there, from long past events, buried, laying dormant? Or did less defined energy that begin to lift and leave her space attract these strong energies ambiently via law of attraction? It doesn’t matter. What matters is that she knew they were not hers, and in her own state of sovereignty she commanded them to leave, and they did. They must when the human is certain and commanding - that is universal law. And on some level, Ella decided to help. In other words, Ella was open in some manner to allowing this to happen. That is also part of universal law. Some breeds or temperaments are more susceptible to this than others. I have never seen a German Shepherd or Doberman engaged with Foreign Energy, for example. Those breeds are genetically trained to identify and protect from ALL types of foreign energy, and they do not allow these types of things to occur.
What you as a human can do in light of this connection is embrace your own sovereignty. If FE is a recurring problem for you and/or your animals, examining your belief systems is probably going to be necessary. You may need help, reflection with other humans etc., because when we’re unaware of deep, conflicting beliefs they appear as reality: ‘That’s just the way it is’. Many times these are causal beliefs, developed out of childhood trauma. The most stubborn beliefs are judgment-based, authority or religion-based, and make up the structural fear that most humans operate within until they choose differently as a conscious choice. But that’s another topic. Abraham-Hicks states simply that beliefs are just thoughts you keep thinking. What repetitive thoughts do you classify as ‘life, the way it is’ a place to start.
When the human finds a position of confidence and certainty and is able to freely assert that it’s time for this disruptive energy to go, then the animal can stay free of FE after professional removal. Sara and Ella demonstrate this via their process, included below in the emails detailing their experience.
Many times when I get referral cases from vets where nothing is apparently physically wrong with an animal that is clearly not doing well, this is what is going on - some version of foreign energy is present. Most vets have a sixth sense about this. Removal sometimes works best when several humans are involved as communicators and energy healers, including the referring veterinarian. I'm not sure why a human collective is so effective except that collaboration is simply very powerful.
One word about symptoms and animal perception: Foreign Energy can be anything that is not their own energy - from their own human’s stress to a medication. I have been lectured by astute felines more than once on appetite stimulants. They perceive something interfering with their own thoughts and instinctual urges, and that to them, is a foreign energy. Differences in appetite and thirst, itchiness, chewing paws, pulling at fur or growths can be physical manifestations. Fear, restlessness and anxiety are key emotional manifestations.
Sara’s Presentation: My dog, Ella, started presenting a number of symptoms all at once, almost overnight. This started around 10 months ago. She's been checked out by a vet on a few occasions, but there's nothing obvious going on. I know something is different. These symptoms are: increased anxiety, increased thirst, increased itchiness (all over, especially paws). I feel it's linked to me in some way, like there's a message for me somewhere. Messages/Questions for her: “We notice that you seem more anxious recently, particularly in the car? Can we do anything to ease this? You are drinking a lot more water than you used to, and your skin seems very itchy, especially your feet. Is there anything you're trying to tell us? Can we do anything to help you with this?”
My report to Sara, after the class with Ella as a practice animal:
Ella told the student that she did not need a body scan because what was bothering her was not physical. Rebecca, the student connecting with Ella, saw right away what I’d seen through Ella’s eyes in her picture; there were multiple foreign energies apparent in her energy field. This is far more common than most people imagine. Animals are more adapted to collective energy than humans are - think flocks of birds or schools of fish, therefore it's more common.
But this is not something that should be there at all, and Ella told Rebecca that it had been there since about 10 months ago when she started having odd symptoms. These types of energies can cause more serious physical problems, so it's always important to address them as something real that needs attention. Ella said, "I took foreign entities from my mom and now it's time for them to leave', which is great because she's feeling in charge of her own body enough to tell Rebecca that. She told Rebecca to take them all, even the little one, which we’re not sure what that meant. Rebecca is a healer in her own right, and she was able to ask Archangel Michael to remove and transmute them. She did some crystal healing work with Ella because that is her speciality, then reported that she could see that both you and Ella need to strengthen your boundaries. Ella sent that she felt free and she loves you.
When I encounter this in a session with an animal, I usually ask AAMichael to wall them off until the human can get a professional to remove them and remove any traces from the home, property, humans, other animals, etc. Ella may need more help. If what Rebecca did was sufficient, you should see Ella's symptoms improving, she should have more energy and seem 'like her old self'. If that doesn't happen shortly or to be extremely thorough, I recommend getting some help. There is someone I refer people to who specializes in this.
Response from Sara immediately after class: This is fascinating, and makes complete sense. (Referencing the moment in her own life 10 months prior when she commanded the FE to leave her space) I remember all of this quite well, and thought of it straight away while reading your email. I wonder if that was the moment that Ella took them on..... I don't know what that 'something' was, but my feeling at the time was that it was something trying to prevent my rising vibration.
You won't be surprised to hear that I also have a very literal boundary issue in my life currently with a neighbour of ours. 18 months ago, there was a claim to a legal right of way through our garden initiated, potentially being able to walk into our garden at any time without notice. This hit me very hard, as it felt like a real invasion, a violation. Of course, the exterior is a reflection of the interior and this all makes complete sense.
It's only the first day since Rebecca did this work on Ella, and I haven't been here for most of the day BUT she just absolutely scoffed her food, with more enthusiasm than I've seen in months! She's still itchy but she's certainly very perky (and hungry!). I am so happy, and hopefully so is Ella.
(Sara also called the FE specialist that I recommended as well, Dee, to do thorough cleansing of the property, home, etc. I found it interesting that the legal right of way that felt so much like an invasion to Sara, started a few months before the energetic symptoms.)
Update from Sara 3 months later:
Hi Elizabeth & Dee, I just wanted to give you a little feedback on the aftermath of your sessions with Ella in Sept/Oct.
Ella radically changed for the better immediately after both of your sessions. She is behaving like she's many years younger than her age (14) and seems very healthy and happy. She eats every meal I cook for her, she frequently runs around the house in joy (usually jumping from one bed to the next and messing up all my cushions!) and she's always up for a sprint while out on walks. ....when just a few months before I thought we were close to losing her.
I just wanted to let you both know how much I appreciate the work you do. Thanks for everything you've done for Ella and my family. I can't thank you both enough.
Lots of love and best wishes
Sara & Ella
I was thrilled to hear this, and appreciate the collaborative effort that includes Sara and Ella. Dee(who also goes by Drew on his website), the FE removal expert and energy worker can be reached at:
Rebecca Hall Gruyter is practicing professionally now and can be contacted here: